
Howdy! We are Dave and Tammy! We relocated to Central Texas in late 2021 and moved back to the town where Dave grew up. We were lucky and found a house with an acre and still within the city limits. It has been eventful from the beginning. We moved into the house in October and quickly realized there was far more work that the house needed than we originally thought. As daunting and expensive as the challenge is, we love the house and the neighborhood which makes all the sweat equity worth the effort.

In April, we adopted two puppies from the animal shelter a couple of counties north. They promptly proceeded to dig up all of the spring planting and admittedly we were a little stumped and frustrated.

Dave works in technology and commutes to Austin a couple of days a week on average. I have the privilege and responsibility to stay home and make the household run smoothly. With three dogs, one Severe Macaw, and soon chickens life is rarely quiet and I truly treasure those moments of quiet and stillness.

We were not blessed with children, despite many years of trying and miscarriages. As we age, we watch the world become more dependent on technology and less involved in the world around them. We are guilty of it at times too, believe me I have to remind myself to put down my phone and pay attention to those I love too often for personal comfort. Dave’s work in technology means it is embedded in his DNA at this point, and it is even harder for him to disconnect.

We decided to make this blog as a reminder to ourselves and others that joy is most often found in the everyday and simple things. The abundant joy of happy dogs, digging in the dirt to plant seeds and plants to feed your family, a home-cooked meal, a good book, or an after dinner walk with the family.

The ultimate purpose isn’t to preach about what we believe to be true or to show the “best” way to do something. There are thousands of blogs, channels, websites, etc. filled with people who are more than happy to share their knowledge and expertise. We plan to share what we learn as we progress and share finds or progress on projects along the way.